I have started preparing for next year's big paddle from Auckland to Tauranga with Charity Yakkers.
Best practice would be to circumnavigate all the major islands around
Auckland this summer. It is amazing, when you set your mind on
something, your capabilities multiply. Just three weeks ago, my kayaking
goal for this summer was to paddle around Rangi. With summer not even
started yet, I have accomplished that and have my mind set on bigger,
more adventurous multidays paddles.
Yesterday was a
beautiful day. I picked my route in such a way that I get a tail wind
for atleast half the way back. Unfortunately, on a multiday trip you
don't get to chose a nice day and weather. So ability to handle any
situation that mother nature throws at you is a must. Now I know I can
do a 40 km paddle with minimum fuss, important thing though is to be
able to do this everyday for 9 days or longer.
Enjoy the photographic report:
Started at 6:30am. 15 minutes later at Motukorea (Browns Island)
Emu bay
Lots of fishos out there in Waiheke channel. I could count more than 200 boats.
Home bay point
“When two evil guys fight in a duel, the worst of both will be the winner.”
Waikalabubu bay gun houses. I don't know if it is allowed, but reckon could be nice place to spend a night.
I am gonna get you.
A pod of sea kayakers enjoying the gorgeous day.
And finally Auckland in the sight.
The light house at coast guard bay
Heading back towards St. heliers
Takapuna beach
Stopped at bean rock for a fish
Back in St. Heliers at 2:20pm